Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Dreaded Paper Pile

I have a bazillion inch paper pile to conquer. 

Here are some things which might be there, and my plan for them:

  1. School papers
    1. Art -- keep the A+ stuff, toss the rest
    2. School work -- graded -- keep the one best from each kid and post on fridge, toss the rest
    3. Report cards -- file all
    4. Memos from teachers -- throw away outdated, keep newer ones
    5. Field trip slips -- throw away outdated, keep newer ones, sign any that need it
    6. Curriculum guides -- toss (info available online)
    7. Other
  2. Church papers
    1. Bulletins -- toss all
    2. Newsletters -- keep this month's, toss the rest
    3. Kid papers -- toss all
    4. Other
  3. Papers from the mailbox
    1. Bills -- put in bill file alphabetically
    2. Statements -- put in bill file alphabetically
    3. Junk mail -- toss or shred/burn
    4. Coupons -- toss (I just can't keep up w/ them)
    5. Letters from friends -- file
    6. Other
  4. Work papers
    1. Notes to self & lists -- toss the obvious, put the others in my work tote bag
    2. Reports -- same
    3. Other items from the printer -- same
    4. Other
  5. Medical papers
    1. Insurance slips -- file
    2. Other -- file or toss
  6. Books (don't ask) -- put in "Elsewhere basket"
  7. Magazines -- put on magazine table (discard anything old)
  8. Photos -- put in photo box
  9. Other

UPDATE:  OK I got through most of the pile in just 10 minutes.  What is my deal?!!!  Why have I not kept up?  This wasn't too bad.  DO IT NOW.  :)  Very rewarding.

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