Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So, Today!

All of that to draw up my marching orders for today!

Do the Get Myself Ready list first.
First things first, all mornings:  ALL DONE!
  1. Get up and wake kids 1 and 2.  Oversee their getting ready for and off to school.  DONE!
  2. Get kid 3 up, ready, and off to school (no matter who is actually driving him).  DONE!
  3. Get myself dressed including shoes.  No arguments.  (Flylady thing.)  DONE!
  4. Brush teeth.  DONE!
  5. Take meds.  DONE!
  6. Eat breakfast.  Must be quick and nutritious.  Think: bowl of cereal, not toaster pastry or McDs.  DONE!
Do some Around the House routine stuff.  Special emphasis today needs to happen on FACE and Holidays, and PAPER PILE that is threatening to eat our kitchen.
Items to do if at home:
  1. Pop a load of laundry into the washer.  DONE! 
  2. Empty the dishwasher and dish drainer.  (Or run the dw if hasn't run the night prior.)  ~ DONE
  3. Put all dishes in the sink or dishwasher.  DONE!
  4. Pick up all scattered laundry and put it in a hamper.  DONE!
  5. Sweep floor.  DONE
  6. Quickly put anything which belongs in a different room in a box or hamper.  IN PROGRESS
  7. Throw away any obvious trash.  IN PROGRESS
  8. Do a quick swish & swipe of the main bathroom.
  9. Pick one Weekly Home Blessing task (Flylady) and do it.  (I do these one at a time rather than all on one day at one time.  Mostly because I work.)
    1. Change sheets.
    2. Take out trash.
    3. Vacuum rugs.
    4. Mop.
    5. Dust.
    6. Clean glass/mirrors.
    7. Throw out outdated magazines.
  10. Paper Pile -- pick one:  DID 10 MIN
    1. Throw away 27 papers.
    2. Spend 15 minutes sorting through per Stephanie Winston's TRAF:
      1. Toss
      2. Refer
      3. Act
      4. File
  11. Exercise!
  12. Pick one
    1. Zone decluttering (Flylady) -- look up current zone on Fly site, and declutter in it for 15 minutes
    2. Do one room my way (see older Cleaning posts)
  13. FACE -- this it the $ stuff, based on Flylady but my way of doing it
    1. Updating budget book with current transactions.
    2. Paying due bills.
  14. Dinner -- 
    1. What is for dinner?!  Start anything you can right now (thaw, marinate, crock pot).
    2. Plan what time to start cooking and make an appt w/ myself.
  15. Holidays -- work the lists

At 10:30 a.m., go run errands.  (Prepare for these now though.)
  1. Need to purchase Operation Christmas Child things to go to the preschool when I pick up kiddo #3.  DONE! DELIVERED!  YAY!
  2. Need to purchase items requested by #2's  teachers (to send in tomorrow). DONE!
  3. Need to drop off letter/check/form at school for #1 to stay for extracurricular. Forgot that!  Again!
  4. Get movie from Redbox that I promised Son #1. DONE!
  5. Pick up more hot chocolate.  And some shoes for Son #1 who has busted his clean through the soles and they are now leaking rainwater.  (How does he do this so fast?!!!!)  GOT SHOES< FORGOT HOT COCOA
So, here I go -- work with me and post your progress!  I'll aim to work 3 fifteen-minute sessions, then relax (and drink some water ) during each "fourth quarter"!

2:45 update:  I gotta get back on the stick.  Ran errands, picked up #3 from preschool, and then my mom popped in for a nice chat so I'm just now getting back to work.  Gonna pick up where I left off.

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