Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Agh the Dining Room

All right... truth time.  Now I'm hosting Turkey Day here with my parents, my sister, my father-in-law, my brother-in-law, and the hub and 3 kids. 

Good news... Mom, local, is bringing a lot of stuff including the turkey. 

Bad news... I haven't seen my dining room table since New Years.  There is an *embarrassing* amount of stuff on it.  Under it.  Around it.  <ducking>

Now I'm going to make the shameful list of all the crud in my dining room in an effort to tell myself I can handle this:
  1. Piles of paper.  OK no need to go into this in detail... I tamed the paper pile in 10 minutes, so I can handle this.  Maybe.  I will.  At least I'll try.  -- BOXED UP AND WILL GO THROUGH ASAP
  2. Plastic bowls that don't fit anywhere right now. 
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use these?  Let's see, I probably use one weekly, one monthly, and the rest, every few months. 
      2. (b) Where do I use them?  Kitchen. 
    2. So one of these needs to be mid-level in a cabinet, and one needs to be way down or way up, and the rest go to down to storage or up over the fridge or something.
  3. Printer.  This will probably live there until Tday and then sit on my bed until time to put it back in the dining room.  :) 
  4. File box and box of file folders. -- PUT THESE AWAY IN A F.R. CABINET
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use this?  Let's see, I probably haven't used it in months... I was trying to set up a good file system. 
      2. (b) Where do I use them?  Kitchen/Fam Rm. 
    2. So I guess this needs to go down to storage right now, or at least in a hard-to-get-to cabinet in the Fam Rm.
  5. 2 trash cans.  (Ummm why?)  Obviously one needs to leave this room and go somewhere it's needed.  One probably needs to be in the corner of the living room?
  6. Coffee maker. 
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use this?  Every few months.  I use it for company.  I have a one-cup maker for daily use. 
      2. (b) Where do I use it?  Kitchen. 
    2. So it needs to go to storage.
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use this?  Every few months. 
      2. (b) Where do I use it?  Kitchen. 
    2. So it needs to go to storage.
  8. Christmas dishes.  (OK I'm keeping it real here.  This is awful.  Yes out from last Christmas.)
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use this?  About two months a year. 
      2. (b) Where do I use it?  Kitchen. 
    2. So they need to go to storage most of the year, but from Thanksgiving until Christmas, they go into the kitchen cabinet and the other dishes go to storage in their place? 
  9. Too much furniture.  Two pieces at least should go.
  10. Camping stuff I never put away a few months ago.  AGH  PUT IN STORAGE
    1. Going to my standard questions: 
      1. (a) How often do I use this?  One season a year -- summer
      2. (b) Where do I use it?  Um, camping. 
    2. So it needs to go to storage -- totally needs to go to the camping storage space.
  11. We're not even going to talk about the living room adjacent.  That's another post. 

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