Friday, November 12, 2010

Planning Lists, Part I

Based on this list of lists, LOL, I'm going to do some holiday planning.
Here's the link, because this is word for word:  Additude magazine: Planning for the Holidays by Marla Cilley

List 1:  Holiday Traditions -- I need to ask the kids and the hub what they all love about Christmas.  Since I ask them every year, I'll just take some guesses right now.  Also, need to explore Turkeyday.

  1. Eh, it's all about the dinner. 
  2. Every year, I think I'm going to have the kids help me make little packets of Blessing Mix and give them out to friends and family, but we never do.  Maybe this year?

  1. Going to church on Christmas Eve.
  2. Giving everyone cocoa and cookies, blasting Christmas music, and driving around to see the lights.
  3. We gift-wrap a bunch of Christmas storybooks and open one and read it each day starting Dec 1. 
  4. Gotta make candy/cookies at some point.  Musts:  mint-brownies, fondant pinwheels, buckeyes, fudge...

List 2:  Holiday Menus and Recipes --

  1. Turkey -- we have a 5-person family and usualy only have 2 guests.  I like to have some leftovers but none of us love love love brown meat and even though it's nontraditional, what works out best is a cooked turkey breast.  My favorites have been the Butterball ones that come in the bag that you cook them in -- the boneless ones with gravy.  (Pausing for the outcries against this.)  To salvage the presentation, I've sliced it and put it on a platter.  It looks nice that way -- nicer still with some good garnish.  (I've done all kinds of turkeys -- my favorite-tasting one was the Rachael Ray recipe with the herbs under the skin.)
  2. Mashers -- I like the kind w/ sour cream and cream cheese and butter mixed in.  My better half prefers plain but would not say so until pressed.  I'll do plain.  I like to do them early and keep them warm in the crockpot (on low) w/ a lot of butter and a buttered crock.
  3. Green beans -- best ones were fresh, steamed and then seasoned.  We'll see.
  4. Carrots -- my bro-in-law loves these.
  5. Scalloped pineapple -- a warm pineapple-y casserole.  My family has it for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year.  Must have.
  6. Rolls -- I've accepted that either the frozen dough ones or the Sister Schubert ones are the way to go.
  7. Pumpkin Pie -- for the hub and his daddy-o.
  8. Chocolate something-or-other -- for the rest of us.  :)  I've done apple pies, pumpkin choc chip cheesecakes... but we might just do something different and all chocolate this year.
  9. Standard Issue Ocean Spray Cranberry Jelly -- we all love it.  All of us. 
  10. Beverages -- assorted

List 3:  Gifts

  1. I'm making my list and checking it twice. 
  2. Do you really think I'm going to post this on here?  People would know what they're getting!
  3. Every year I do make a spreadsheet w/ a code name (stop peeking people) and list the budget for each person, then put in what I plan to get and then mark when I get it and deduct the price from the per-person budget so I stay within it and keep track of gifts.  This is the only way I can manage it.
  4. One year I had all my shopping done by Dec 1.  One year.  Every other year?  Up into the wee hours of Christmas Eve.  And even if I have it bought, it ain't wrapped.  Goal:  Change that.  It really wrecks me to do that last minute.  And then have to call my sister surreptitiously to borrow extra wrap because I run out.

List 4:  Dates To Put on Your Calendar
  1. Neighborhood party -- TBD
  2. Christmas pageant at church
  3. Christmas program at preschool
  4. Last day of school for everyone
  5. Thanksgiving days off for everyone
  6. Time off from work!
  7. What dates family is visiting
  8. Any dates friends are visiting
  9. Plus-one's office party -- TBD
  10. Any dr. appointments in December -- I always forget those!
  11. Any haircuts -- those too!
  12. What am I forgetting?

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