Sunday, November 14, 2010

Progress Toward Goals

Hello -- It's Sunday evening and I took it pretty easy today.  I went to church with the family, then went out to lunch with my mom and a friend and my husband and kids.  It was a lovely, leisurely lunch and the kids (mostly) behaved so all was nice.

I came home and wrote and submitted a couple of freelance articles, and kept one eye on the NASCAR race.  (The hub is a big fan.  Me, not a sports fan, but I'm usually in the room on my computer if a race is on so I chat amiably about it in a very limited fashion.)

House goals left undone as of last night, updated with today's progress, are:

Random ones:
  1. Get that laundry basket from the family room into the washer. -- I have other wash I need to do -- two other loads -- so I'm nixing the family room basket this evening.  Bumping until tomorrow.
  2. Keep the family room picked up so it still looks decent. -- Wellllll, we've all been in here quite a bit today hanging out, so it's not pretty.  I won't lie.  But I think I could whip it into shape in about 5 minutes, max.  Will do after the kids are in bed in awhile.
  3. Work some more on holiday stuff. -- Will be in another post.
  4. Get some sort of physical activity -- anything, at this point! -- in today. -- Sadly, I have not done this.  I really have to make it a priority.  Please comment below if you have any terrific insights on making myself do this... I procrastinate every day and my health is starting to show it.
Kitchen ones:

  1. Empty dishwasher and drainer. -- DONE TODAY BY DH
  2. Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher. -- DONE TODAY BY DH and ME
  3. Throw away as much trash as possible including obvious things from the fridge. -- IN PROGRESS
  4. Put "Elsewheres" in a basket. -- DONE
  5. Wipe down counters and appliances.  SOME
  6. Empty crumbs from toaster.
  7. Sweep floor. -- DONE
  8. Mop floor. -- I really despise mopping, but it's really bad.  And I have an almost-solid, verrry light colored floor.  Agh.  And Son #1 especially is a big spiller.  (Yes I do have them wipe up as often as I can, but he's a hurricane.)
  9. Wipe out a shelf or drawer from the fridge (at least). -- The fridge is in very bad shape.  Deplorable.

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