Thursday, November 18, 2010

Goals and Progress, 11-18-10

I gotta get going here.  I worked today and have been chatting w/ the kids about their days, about their report cards, helping with spelling tests.  All very nice but I have a terrible mess on my hands.  The house is a mess anyway, and then Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  I am scheduled to help out in preschool with their party tomorrow morning all morning, so I need to get moving this afternoon.

I feel not-so-ambitious.  To make matters worse, my dog, who is pretty old and did not behave herself today, got trapped somehow in the bathroom and totally wrecked it.  It's a disgusting mess.  She's completely housebroken but it looks like she freaked out in there and wasn't so much today.  I have my work cut out for me there.

So my goals for this evening:

  1. Clean up the darned bathroom.  U G H    DONE
  2. Usual house chores:
    1. Transfer wash to dryer, fold dryer stuff, stick in a new load to wash.  Also put away clothes I folded last night but left in the basket b/c the boys were sleeping and I was tired.  DONE.  PUT IN A NEW LOAD - SAT 11/20.
    2. Empty dishwasher and drainer.  (I always set the dw to run overnight.  I try to do the same w/ the washer.)  DONE.  DH EMPTIED SAT 11/20. 
    3. Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher.  DONE.  NEED TO DO SAT 11/20
    4. Put all scattered clothes in the hamper.  DONE SAT 11/20.
    5. Put all trash in the trash cans.  Take out when full.  NEED TO DO SAT 11/20
    6. Sweep up the floors.  DID KITCHEN.  NEED TO DO AGAIN SAT 11/20
    7. Swish and swipe the main bath.  DH DID SAT 11/20.
    8. Make dinner.  (What to have?!)  DID THIS.  What's for dinner on Sat 11/20?  Hmmm.  I think country-fried chicken... will have to get some go-withs.
    9. Clear off the couch and kitchen table. 
    10. Do 5 more minutes of cleaning through paper piles. 
    11. Do 5-10 min holiday chores.
    12. Do 5-10 min of budget/bills stuff.  DONE!  ~Need to pay another bill 11/20 and take to mailbox
    13. Do 5-15 min of decluttering -- in the dining room!  Find that table!  DH DID SOME 11/20, BLESS HIS PEA-PICKIN' HEART.  NEED TO DO MORE.
  3. Wring #1's neck for not doing his homework yet.  (He's supposed to be seated at the kitchen table as I type.  His homework is supposed to be between 4 pm and 6 pm, then it's over, time up.  This was all due to a conference w/ his teachers because he was such a pain about the homework all night.  I need to go get him back on task... he's running around the playroom whooping and hollering.)  DONE
Let's see how much I can get done or delegate to another family member.  :)

Updating list on Friday 11/19:

14.  Need to mop kitchen -- STRIPPED HALF THE KITCHEN FLOOR W/ AMMONIA-ARMSTRONG MIXTURE PER THE LABEL -- F U M E S!!!  Scrubbed it and then rinsed, looks much better.  I have my little before half (the breakfast nook half) and after half (the kitchen half).   NEED TO STRIP THE OTHER HALF OF THE FLOOR (THE NOOK HALF)

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